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To hire a lawyer, determine what type of lawyer you need, ask for referrals, research potential lawyers, schedule a consultation to discuss your case, ask about fees and qualifications, and sign a retainer agreement. Hiring a lawyer can give you peace of mind and help you navigate complex legal issues effectively. We recommend you to contact us for more information using the form below.
As per the Bahrain Labour Law, you need to provide a 30-day notice to the employer through mail sent to the registered address of the company.
Medical examination certificate from one of the accredited hospitals in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Passports of both individuals. ID cards of both individuals. Determining the agreed upon dowry “in relation to the husband”. Proving current or previous social status by presenting the marriage certificate or divorce “in relation to both parties”.
The Kingdom of Bahrain has distinct processes for divorce proceedings that are dependent on numerous factors. Each divorce case holds specific attributes that demand a unique approach. We would like to extend an invitation for you to contact us, in order to discern further information regarding divorce proceedings.
Non-Bahraini individuals and couples which include one non-Bahraini are allowed to marry in the Kingdom, provided that one or both of them is resident.
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